Objectives and Steps

Bulk Upload - Address by Details Entity

•   Go to Resources - Bulk Upload - Select the Entity “Address by Details”
•   Click on Next button to upload the data file
•   Choose File(.csv)
•   Click on Upload button
•   Click Next button
•   Here, the file's uploaded data values will be represented in cells as per number of data rows found in the file.
•   Click on submit button
•   The list will be uploaded in the address list according to the company settings.

Bulk Upload
Bulk Upload - Address by Detail Entity
Upload .csv File
Rows Uploaded
Upload Successfully

Custom Dropdown - Read Only feature

•   Drop the Custom Dropdown on the template as required
•   Enable the checkbox - “Enable Read Only”
•   Here you will have the option to select the field read only dropdown while Add or Edit or Both
•   Select the option as required Add/ Edit
•   If the user selects Add then while form submission the custom dropdown field should be visible disabled and the user should not be allowed to change the field value.
•   If the user selects Edit then while form submission the custom dropdown field should be visible disabled and the user should not be allowed to change the field value.
•   If both have been selected then while Add and Edit the field should be disabled to enter or edit the data value.

Custom dropdown Readonly
Custom Dropdown field Disbaled on Form Submission